Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis


Pulmonary tuberculosis refers to an infection of the lungs caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a contagious infection that spreads easily from an infected person to a healthy person. A person can get infected by breathing in air droplets exhaled from an infected person during coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Homeopathic treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis offers supportive treatment and is recommended along with conventional treatment.

The chances of catching this infection are high in people who are exposed to persons having TB, who live in crowded places, and where hygiene is not properly maintained.

Not everyone who is exposed to this infection gets sick. In most persons, after entry of the germs into the body, the infection is kept under control and prevented from spreading by the immune system. Such people are said to have latent TB (which means they don’t get any symptoms and are not contagious). But a person carrying this bacteria who does not develop symptoms still has latent TB (means the infection stays inactive for years). It may reactivate and develop into active TB in which the bacteria multiply and lead to signs and symptoms of the infection. In the stage of active TB, a person is contagious. The risk of reactivation is high in persons having weak immune systems (as from diabetes, chronic steroid use, chemotherapy), elderly people, infants, those who smoke, people having some autoimmune disorder, and persons with kidney disease.
